September 2018 Calendar!

Ho folks – apologies for being a bit late with this September Calendar – the very successful Ivinghoe Flower and Vegetable Show was uppermost in our planning last week! So – the new School Term is upon us – we are happy that the Guides now meet in the Hub here every Tuesday Evening from 7.00pm, we continue apace with the free Exercise Class on Tuesday mornings from 11.00am, Bridge and Simply Walks on Mondays, Natural Pilates and the Music Class on Thursdays! Three extras this month also – the Hub AGM on 26th, Boxercise on 27th, and a McMillan Trust Event on 29th – see you there!

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar September 2018