October 2016 Calendar!

Hi everyone! An updated October Calendar! – now showing the CuriosiTEA Halloween Arts ‘n Crafts and the Halloween Disco on 31st October, one of CuriosiTEA Rooms’ legendary Pop-Up Restaurants on 14th – Bridge Club, Metafit, Natural Pilates, My First Ballet and the Crochet Club run as usual! Lots of interesting stuff!

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar October 2016

September 2016 Calendar!

September Calendar just published! Back to normal after the August break with Pilates, My First Ballet, Singalong with Helen, and the Crochet Group – carry on as normal with Metafit and the Bridge Club! Also – importantly – the Hub Annual General Meeting on 26th September 2016 – please do come along! If you are a walker – Simply Walks now has a gathering starting at 9.45am for 10.00am on a Monday – assembly at the Hub, and coffee afterwards in CuriosiTEA Rooms.

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar September 2016

Our 5th Annual General Meeting!

Hi everyone – it is our 5th Annual General Meeting on 26th September at 7.30pm, here at the Hub – all are welcome!! We have become a Registered Charity over the last year, have had really excellent external paving and planters installed – and have just taken possession of an electrically operated Projection Screen to augment the sound system which was installed last year. All sorts of interesting things are happening – come and join in!!

Notice of 5th Annual General Meeting 26th September 2016

August 2016 Calendar!

Hi everyone – attached is our Calendar for August – the Bridge Club and Metafit are swinging along throughout apart from Bank Holiday Monday, and we have several Private Parties booked in – quite a few gaps if you wanted to hire space, as Pilates, Singalong with Helen and My First Ballet are all taking a well earned break! Do notice that CuriosiTEA Rooms are closed on 14th August, and Bank Holiday Monday on 29th August.

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar August 2016

July 2016 Calendar!

Hi everyone – herewith the July Calendar for your enjoyment – note that the ‘Simply Walks’ initiative by Bucks CC is gathering pace (a meeting of volunteers on 18th July – so something should happen!), and there is the grand Old School Re-Union on 30th July from noon onwards – tickets for this are £10 to include a buffet lunch and parking on the Lawn – tickets available from CuriosiTEA Rooms here at the Hub. The Crochet Club goes from strength to strength, as does Singalong with Helen, My First Ballet, Metafit, Natural Pilates and the Bridge Club!

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar July 2016

June 2016 Calendar!

June Calendar!! More exciting happenings this month – CuriosiTEA Rooms are 3 years old on 19th – celebrations on 18th around the building – Crochet Group on three Fridays and Saturdays – Psychic Evening on 3rd – supporting the Village Fete (Royal theme!) on 11th – Pop-Up Restaurant on 24th – and of course the Bridge Club, Metafit, Natural Pilates and Singalong with Helen!

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar June 2016

May 2016 Calendar!

All sorts of interesting stuff going on – regular Metafit, Ceramics (but look sharp as they are limiting their classes after this month), Crochet Group, Bridge Club, Singalong with Helen, the very popular My First Ballet, and Natural Pilates! The Police Commissioner Election will have been announced by now – we were a polling station for that, and we are a polling station for the forthcoming European Union Elections on 23rd June – be prepared!

Also – our re-paving works are now complete, and it looks really wonderful! Gently sloping paving up to the side entry door, and rear gateway to the Lawn, and a really sweet Victorian style lamp post! Our thanks to the building team headed up by Sven, and to Bucks County Council for carrying it through for us – and to Darren Halsey for wiring up the lamp post!

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar May 2016

April 2016 Calendar!

Good stuff happening this month! John Cameron 3 are launching their new CD with a Jazz, Funk and Rock n’Roll Evening on 2nd April; Play in the Park (sponsored by Ivinghoe Parish) is on Ivinghoe Lawn on 8th April; Tring Arts Society are here on 9th April – all along with our regular Metafit, Ceramics, Bridge Club Singalong with Helen, My First Ballet, Natural Pilates!! All sorts of interesting stuff going on – ooh, and one of Hayley’s Pop-Up Restaurants on 22nd!

Also – many thanks for bearing with us while we are having the re-paving works carried out! Sven and the team have been working very hard, and have coped with their facing really very complex difficulties as the work has progressed – finding a Victorian Brick Built Water Cistern below ground, drainage which has never been shown on any previous drawings, substantial tree roots from the horse chestnut trees which have wrecked drainage, etc., etc! It is looking wonderful out at the back of the building already – and provided that no further difficulties are encountered, the work should be finished before the end of this month.

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar April 2016

March 2016 Calendar!

Hi all – attached is our March Calendar – just published! Thank you all for bearing with our new paving works which will be terrific when complete! We continue to see 2Bees Ceramics every Tuesday between 2.00pm and 5.00pm, and the additional Natural Pilates Class on Thursday mornings; the Crochet Group goes from strength to strength – Metafit is revising it’s activity to Tuesday evenings only (except Parish Council Meeting evening). Hayley will be running the PE Class on Thursday evenings – Singalong with Helen and My First Ballet – are to be enjoyed also! A Psychic Evening is planned for the 18th – book in with Hayley if you would like to take part.

Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.

Hub Calendar March 2016


To be held at 2.00pm on 27th February 2016
in the Community Space in the Hub to discuss REGISTERED CHARITY STATUS

The Meeting is called to discuss a change to the Constitution which your Trustees would like to adopt – specifically Clause 2 – which has been suggested by the Charity Commission in response to our application to become a Registered Charity.

Special General Meeting 27th February 2016