Meeting 17th Sept

Hi there inner SOS!
Tonight we meet again ( 8 p.m. Rose and Crown) for the first time in ages…and now in a very good mood!
We have won the battle…and been awarded our CAT… now comes the planning forward to ‘open for business stage’. We have made some notes on what we need to share with you and then we want the rest of the time to be spent on questions and shared imaginative answers… no need for Agenda print-out production tonight.
We decided against an agenda as mostly Liz and Hayley will want to have a lot of small questions answered…and we will give over a lot of time for that in the second part of the meeting. Apart from that we have Public Liability Insurance to bridge in the interim before the Lease is signed in late October/early November and that will allow access for research into grant bid needs and costs. We will discuss grant bids and how to approach this workload also.

SOS website news

The SOS website has recently been updated and a “addendum” to the SOS business plan (pdf) has also been added, this can be found at the bottom of the “What’s proposed page” after appendices.

Also a new page has been added called 50’s Child, this is a series of black and white photographs of children at ivinghoe old school in the 1950’s. We would very much like you to try and identify these children for us, so please take a look and let us know.

July 2nd 2012 minutes


      Group Meeting in the Rose & Crown, Ivinghoe, 

      2nd July 2012 at 8.00pm



Carol Tarrant

Bob Corn

Jane Custance

Martin McCormack

Alex Wynne

John Wallis

Mike Custance

Alistair Owens

Nigel Thomson     APOLOGIES: John Wallis

Carol welcomed everyone to the meeting, called to respond to a communication received from Buckinghamshire County Council in reply to our 30th May 2012 Business Plan Submission.

Ivinghoe Beacon report: Nigel was briefed as to progress, and was given an update on activities in April, May and June, for his piece in the Beacon – he shortly afterwards left the meeting.

Responses to the Buckinghamshire County Council (B.C.C.) note: 

Evidence of Lease Offered last offered to Ivinghoe Parish – Carol and Bob had hard copy of the lease offered to Ivinghoe Parish on 16th June 2012 (ref. E 12/20/1 CP0002.135, sent by Fiona Bull, Legal Assistant); this lease had been offered in the sum of £1,375 per annum, not £3,600 which Bob had previously been advised verbally – this clarification to be made to B.C.C.

Only information on structural works required is that suggested in the B.C.C. Visual Survey, and referred to in Business Case Appendix 4.0 Gant Chart – this latter anticipating works being carried out by B.C.C. The meeting felt that we should ask for the Structural Survey report, as we have previously – if some of the works are deferred, then clearly we would need to reduce rental in space affected; it does appear that the suggested work could be carried out by January 2013.

We do not believe the Financial Models reveal a cash deficit, indeed they show a small cash surplus. A deficit is shown, but this is depreciation – not a cash item; we break even from Day 1. Main depreciation is on gifted assets – smaller items such as computers are subject to grant acquisition, and replacement by similar grant acquisition.

‘Real Numbers’ are used in the Financial Models, consistent with a not-for-private-profit organisation – if inflation were to be applied to income and expenditure figures, all that would happen is that the small surplus would increase. It is intended that inflation will be factored into our leases to tenants.

£16,350 income equals £15,000 rental income plus £1,350 for ‘Cyb-Org’ internet space use; the £1,200 is an anticipation of income from Community Fundraising, Children’s Parties, etc. The figure of £18,800 recharges is the amount of money estimated as being re-charged to tenants for utilities, services, refuse collection, etc.; the figure of £1,200 was included in our conservative projections of income, but not included in the Financial Models since we wished to err on the side of caution for income.

The lack of a firm undertaking from B.C.C. prevents us from seeking firm funding; a number of funding sources have been identified, and we have had an indication of support – although cannot proceed since we neither yet have a long lease, nor the freehold, for the building. We have been advised from some sources that it would be easier to obtain funding if we held the freehold.

Deficits identified in the Financial Models are non-cash depreciation – as in a previous answer.

The figure in Section 6.0 for Building Work – £54,200 – will in all probability contain overlaps with B.C.C.’s figure of £145,850 – and we feel that this latter figure contains elements which could well be carried out in our tenants’ fit-out work.

Start-up costs for tenants will be paid for by themselves.

The Architectural Heritage Fund has not yet been formally approached – they are one of a number of options available as potential funding sources. Since we may not need such a loan, no provision has as yet been shown in Financial Models.

‘Safe Cycle Storage’ reference was that of ‘seeking to provide’ the storage; this can be minimal (hoops set in paving, to which one can lock one’s cycle) or it could be a rather more expensive cycle store (but less than £1,000), in which case we would seek grant funding.

Note that the Financial Models cover Volunteers’ Costs – we anticipate that tenant groups would pay their own costs in this regard.

Alistair will look at the totals noted in the Financial Models.

The £1,600 figure is the cost in providing four computers; the figure of £16,000 is a total fit-out cost of the ‘Cyb-Org’ internet suite – additional I.T. equipment (printers, fax, telephony), tables, seating, shelving, security system, etc. This latter figure has been discussed with the BIG Lottery Fund, who have indicated support but who cannot take it further due to lack of a lease!

We anticipate breaking even from Day 1 – deficit in the Financial Models is an accounting loss in depreciation.

Maintenance allowance is the cumulative raising of funds for perhaps larger items as well as day-to-day maintenance – replacement glass in windows, doors, etc., as required in use. Single £1,200 in first month to get things up and running, £200 per month thereafter – should be in both models.

Cannot revise our timeline, since we do not know when we might obtain the building – as mentioned in earlier response, the Structural Survey is critical in works planning.

Business Financial Models – options 1 and 3 not considered as we have never considered taking on full structural maintenance in the full rent lease scenario; options 2 and 4 have been offered as Option A and Option B in our Business Case. B.C.C.’s option 5 is our preferred option of those listed, since that would allow us the freedom to seek funding from appropriate grant funding agencies.

If the value of the Property increases within a rental agreement, then the rental agreement could contain a reference to our not exercising our option to purchase – any profits would thus revert back to B.C.C.


Next Move: Bob to circulate these notes, Jane and Mike to prepare a draft formal reply to B.C.C., which will be circulated to this immediate group for comment (hopefully by 5th or 6th July); if time allows we might show it to a ‘friendly’ lawyer known to us – Carol to then formally respond to B.C.C. by 9th July 2012.


Next Meeting: To be decided.














March 26th 2012 minutes


      Group Meeting in the Rose & Crown, Ivinghoe, 

      26th March 2012 at 8.00pm



Carol Tarrant

Martin McCormack

John Wallis

Les Laing

Karen Groome

Bob Corn

Margaret Holliday

Alex Wynne    APOLOGIES: Joley Brindle

      Liz Raba

Sylvia Simmonds

Jane Custance

Sue Nicholls

Mike Custance

Moira Heggarty

Carol welcomed everyone to the meeting which had been called to further discuss proposals in connection with the Old School Building in the centre of Ivinghoe, and its possible future for the community – noting that Sylvia cannot attend Monday meetings but is anxious to offer practical help, and that John will print off future minutes for delivery to Moira since she does not have email and finds meetings inaudible.


Previous Minutes: All approved.


Web Site: Martin reported that he had been working with Dave Nicholls – to whom he paid tribute for his hard work – in creating the website, although it is not yet active. Alex tabled a painting which Malcolm Simmonds had created – Bob will scan and send the electronic file to Martin; Carol handed a DVD and a CD which contained lots of photographs of the Old School, including the Initial Business Plan (2), and Plan Drawings of the existing building and of the proposed layout. Evidently Liz and Joley will be sending something to Martin also, in connection with the Theatre Group proposals.


Martin has compiled initial material – a Calendar of Events, Supporters Group,

Planned Activities, etc. – all is proposed in a ‘blog’ style to enable new entries to

be made easily – and he is proposing to go ‘live’ around Easter Time – the

meeting noted that the Annual Parish Meeting is on 18th April 2012, and it would

be good to have the web-site live by then. He  And Dave were thanked profusely.


Carol will ask Liz and Joley to put relevant information on the Facebook

and VillageSOS web-pages – she gave the relevant access codes (simply log-on to ‘Ivinghoe Old School’ page, or access   HYPERLINK “” site,

head to ‘Ivinghoe’ community, and use code ‘ivinghoe5O5,.’ (the O is a capital

‘o’ rather than a nought) if anyone wishes to add anything. Carol expressed her

anxiety that the Facebook page, the Village SOS site, and our new web-site were

coordinated in their content and equality used to show the Lottery group interest.


Business Model and Project Plan: Carol tabled Mike Custance’s Project Plan Chart, and Alistair Owens’ Business Model – this latter to be populated with more accurate figures where Alistair has made ‘assumptions’, when the figures are known. The group fully appreciated the work put in here too plus updates.


Business Plan: Carol presented a Business Plan format – copies for everyone present: she and Bob will prepare the ‘Executive Summary’ after the completed document has been prepared; they will also prepare statements for the ‘Objectives Overview’, ‘Our Enterprise’, and ‘Work Done to Date.

‘SWOT’ and ‘PEST’ analyses to be carried out at meeting on 2nd April 2012, alongside the Risk Analysis.

Jane and Mike Custance to be asked to prepare the statement for ‘Putting our Plan into Practice’ (notes attached).

Alistair Owens to be approached to finalise the ‘Finances’ element.

Bob to maintain an overview of the ‘Property and Premises’ elements of the Business Plan.

Risk Assessment to be pursued at our meeting on 2nd April 2012.

‘Team’ – could everyone put together a brief line as to their skills, professional background and expertise, for Carol to compile into a ‘list of strengths’ available to us, to give confidence of our capacity to BCC!

Bucks C.C. Corporate Planning needs to be referenced in the Business Plan – we will utilise the statements made in the Initial Business Plan (2).

Liz Raba and Joley Brindle to send over and help to complete ‘Model Documents’ which we are very grateful for their support in compiling.

John to pursue the Bank Account and Constitution and Legal Entity.

Alex and Sue to pursue fundraising.

Martin, Liz, Joley and Carol to work on the web-site content.

Carol, Alex and Sue to liaise with the local Parish and Village Magazines to continue publicity, the PPP needing copy for 15th April.

Everyone confirmed that they were happy with the shape of the Business Plan, and were keen to compile the draft within a month to shave off months from BCC deadline, we being impatient to gain our Lease.


Quiz Night and Open Meeting: Noted that Quiz and Skills Auction is to be 23rd

May 2012 in the Rose & Crown – Sue has printed tickets, and has sold twelve

already (45 is total), and has received pledges of Raffle Prizes and Skills; she will

arrange to have the tickets in the Rose & Crown for sale at £10 each after the

Easter break, to include food, and hopefully very numerous skills pledges.


Open Meeting is to be 25th May 2012, to be held in the Town Hall – 7.00pm till

9.00pm, and it is hoped to have the Old School available to view during the

afternoon – although nothing has been heard yet back from Bucks C.C. after

Carol’s emailed request last week; Councillor Avril Davies will attend both the

Old School open period, and the evening meeting. The Parish Councils of the

‘Beacon Villages’ will be invited to have representation – Ivinghoe, Slapton,

Cheddington, Marsworth, Edlesborough and Mentmore – also Brookmead School.


‘Locality’: Carol suggested that our Group should join ‘Locality’ on the advice of experts who mailed since the Conference as it would provide advantages – this in addition to our having already joined ‘Community Matters’; John will investigate further.


Annual Parish Meeting: Carol has been invited to make a five minute presentation at the Ivinghoe Annual Parish Meeting on 18th April 2012 – she asked if the Group Members could go along also to give support! The Meeting assembles for 7.00pm for informal discussion, the Meeting itself starting at 7.30pm.


Constitution: John handed copies of the drafted Constitution to members of the Group; Carol will send electronic copies of the document to the Steering Group by email – comments are requested by our next meeting on 2nd April 2012 at which it is intended to formally adopt the Constitution in double quick time!


John Wallis  will speak to Councillor Avril Davies to seek help with ‘seed-corn’



Next Meeting: ‘Risk Assesment’ 2nd April 2012 at 8.00pm, Rose & Crown. Ivinghoe